Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Balancing Life and Work

"simplify your life...!" "stop being a workaholic!!!..." "create time for yourself..." "spend more time with the family..." or "say no to the non-importants..."
You probably, like me, in some "good days", thought that you have succeeded, feeling all good about yourself for what you have so nicely and creatively balanced your life and work following such great advises. But sure enough, as soon as you can say "is balanced!", fell immediately back to that unbalance work/over/everything mode again. And each time that happens, the guilt mulitply, personal time you spent with family, friends, or even yourself begin to carry that awful feeling thinking the time spent was not because you want to but because you think you have to.
A long-term solution to this balancing equation is always one of the toughest. But before understanding which advise some one should take to resolve their work/life's unbalancing act, it is a must to first acknowledge my top ten list on how some people are catergorized as a "workaholic"...
1. they need to pay bills (the providers)
2. they need to have better things (the OT abusers)
3. they constantly think they need to prove themselves and to impress others (the insecure)
4. they just never feel comfortable with the work progress (the worriers)
5. they feel responsible for his/her subordinates, or even superiors (the masterminds)
6. they don't have friends or family (the loners)
7. they hate their friends and family (the assholes/bitches)
8. they want to get that edge on that promotion. (the Alex Keaton's)
9. they are too competitve (the fighters)
and #10. they're simply just not that good on what they do and need more time doing it. (the 85% of your coworkers)
so now... have you fully catch my drift? do you hear the words coming out from my mouth?
...you see, the next time you see a friend, a colleague, or even yourself working like a maniac and want to give them those great "you should simplify your life...." speech/advise, first see if their (or yours) workaholic traits is part of some of the items my top ten list has diagnosed. Because some of them are just simply hopeless and cannot be saved. Just buy them another cup of coffee and lets move on....
Bless us all!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Your Move

What a crazy month of August... so much had happened within these 31 days, both professionally and personally, don't even know where to begin to blog about it. One thing does come to mind, ..... Chess!
No no no, not chest, CHESS!!!!

I never really knew how to play chess and never pay any attention to the game until a fantastic newspaper article I read around 7 or 9 years ago, written by one of the great chess master of our time, Shelby Lyman. His article then and even now, speaks little about the game itself, but more about everything else surrounding the game. Not only did his chess philosophy made me a student to the game but also became part of my thought process whenever I approach any situation in life. It made me realized how I (and most of us) who never played the actual game all along were playing some chess every day when dealing with our lives.

In both the game of Chess and the game of Life, you plan, you time, you execute your every move while at the same time study how your opponent plan, time and execute their move. Your moves can either be the obvious aggressive moves to let your opponents know they you are coming and attacking which you mean business!!! or moves you patiently making, the safe defensive moves just to wait and see how your opponent will play out their pieces, you wait, play it safe, keep waiting and waiting until your opponent make that one fatal mistake and then BOOM!!! you attack.

Your moves can also be ones filled with hidden agenda, disguising its possibility of attacks or maybe you just defending, either way, it is so not obvious that its true intention is to mislead your opponent, to make them over think, if this is masterfully done, your opponent will actually respect your every move before themselves come to a complete meltdown. And then, there’s your ultimate Grand-Masterful moves, ones which you manipulate and direct with such forceful influence, each move your opponent is making after yours, is exactly the move you've planned how it is moved all along, your only problem once this skill is precisely executed, is how fast you want to finish the game.

Now with that said, and although, some of you were and continue to play your game of life with such masterful mixture of chess skills which made me proud.... but over the years, agree or disagree with me, there are few special ones in your game of Life I honestly believe should not be treated like your chess opponent.

So please give me few more minutes of your time, join me, open up your mind and acknowledge these few simple rules.

Rule #1 of not applying your Chess skills in game of Life:
Never use your chess skills and tactics on family and true friends. With family and true friends, you do not want to play with their mind, I apologize if this sounds a little corny but you do want to be as truthful and sincere with them. And "Truthful" and "Sincere" are not part of winning Chess formula. You apply your winning chess formula, you might win the game but you'll lose your family and true friends.

Rule #2
For great leaders only, no need to use your Chess skills on your direct subordinates. These people already are under you, you already won! game is over the day you hire them or when they're placed under you. Don't waste your time applying challenging chess skills to their lives and more importantly, your life. Use it on your superiors instead. If you are already on top and report to no one but yourself , then..... Call me!

Rule #3
Never use Rule#1 on your children. For those who believe they are good parents or for those who are not a parent but do played a parental guidance role and believe they are good ones, please, for the love of mankind, for the sake of sanity, please execute all of your masterful chess skills at all time with your child and please make sure you win all the time before they start mastering their own game.
!!!Warning!!! If you are not sure you are a good parent or a good role model for kids, please ignore rule #3 and quickly.... go seek help!

Once again, thanks for listening, so now.... Your Move?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Don't think too hard about it....

Recently some simple, funny, but make sense kind of quotes caught my attention. Let me just share it right here and right now.
(Don't evaluate it! quotes are like jokes, the more you evaluate it the more you'll ruin it.)

....Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. JP Morgan

"A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason."

"I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do. I hire him to tell how to do what I want to do."

"If you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it."

thankyou JP. What's that you say Ed Howe?

"You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue - just agree with him"

"No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next."

"If you don't learn to laugh at troubles, you won't have anything to laugh at when you grow old."

later ED....
Finish this up for us Bobby boy (Bob Hope)

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Superhero su·per·he·ro [soo-per-heer-oh]

–noun, plural -roes.
:a hero, esp. in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers.

: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person

To me, a superhero is all of the above with one exception..... no way he can be an earthling.

No way he can be an earthling if "he" is going to save mankind.

"He" simply cannot be human.

Lets suppose we do have a real life superhero in our world, like a Spiderman or a Batman, what, how would we see them as, will they really be God-like worshipped? Answer is no, because they're human-being themselves like you and me, they will be accepted the same way people accept any other exceptionally skillful and successful "super-human" like lets say, Einstein, Bill Gates, or even A-Rod. They're accepted with admiration for what they have accomplished mix with criticism and jealousy because they're too are human and people will compare them with these super-humans everyday, everyday saying to themselves "hey! why not me"?

But what if our Superhero is someone out of this world? Well then, I guarantee there will not be any such mixed receptions from us earthlings. No comparison, no jeaolusy!. "He" will be receive in only one way, "he" will be treated like he's "God", or most likely "he" will be God. "he" will always be high and above all of us. And we won't even think about anything about "him" to complaint about. No comparison, no jealousy, no contest.

And there shall be peace in this world, our world. All race, all cultures, all earthling will come together. Coming together and share laughs. Sharing laughters and joke around all those silly hate we once have for each other. Hatred for each other simply because of being different.

And whenever our Superhero goes flying from here to Galaxy NGC 1313 during his winter break, re-shift Earth's position a few hundred miles away from the Sun when "he" wants to cool down our planet, or munching all the nukes all the WMDs for breakfast, "his" every action will forever remind us how weak we are, how vulnerable, how mortal, how......how equal we are.

On the other hand, if our Superhero is not some ET but an earthling, who once as weak as us before inheriting superpower????, we would then say to ourselves, "Damn, why did that stupid motherfucking spider bit him and not me?"

Thursday, July 12, 2007

FYI of the day

is.. is... is.... this TRUE??????

check out the stuff Carl has been informing us about. (that same Carl who's crazy about Ron Paul).

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Great news today, for a change. For those who don't know, there is a strong tax freedom movement afoot and today it won an important case for its cause. In short, the Income Tax is unconstitutional and there is no Statuary Law making us liable to pay an income tax - it truly is voluntary.

If you would like to see a very good movie on this subject, watch Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173

You'll see that the income tax is not needed for our government to function and that the IRS agency is a bureaucratic bulldog used for many political purposes.
Russo also made some other movies you may know such as "Trading Places", "The Rose", and "Teacher" - enjoy!
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and earlier this...

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Tom Cryer and Becraft Best the DOJ

According to our court-watcher we can tell you the following:
At the start of the trial the DOJ withdrew the felony charges, leaving two counts of willful failure to file.
The Constitution and the law were allowed into the courtroom. Although Cryer was able to tell the jury what he read, he was not allowed to show the jury what he read. Cryer was also able to tell the jury what he did not read in the law because he could not find it in the law - the law that made him liable to file and pay the federal income tax.
Tom did a good job of explaining to the jury what he read in the Brushhaber, Stanton and Eisner Supreme Court cases about the legal meaning of the word "income" and what he read in the Internal Revenue Code - everything but the law that required him to file. Tom had asked the IRS to show him the law that made him liable but the IRS did not respond.
Larry Becraft's closing arguments were "flawless."
Compared to the judges in the Simkanin and Schiff cases, Cryer's judge was "Cinderella."
Congratulations Tom and Larry. We are looking forward to your full report.
More details to follow on our website.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CEO quoting Einstein

I see a need to write out loud my thoughts after reading the top 10 Advise our CEO gave out today. (or was it yesterday? does it matter?....)


9 of them can be skipped since they're nothing but superficial advises (like General Information...)

but what did stimulated my dead brain cells is this one, which he quoted Einstein, "... remember that invention is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration"

(what he really meant is he's the 1 percent and the rest of us are the 99 percent)

and since he started Einsteining us, lets bring up that most famous equation: E=MC2

lets equate...

First, our "M" is getting thinner and thinner by the seconds. With the cuts, the downsizing, the outsourcing of technology jobs, we find ourselves crying out loud "what the fuck happened to our mass?"

and next, for "C", never mind speed of light, what fucking speed is left here?. With more and more quality strong performers gone, how can anyone who's left behind, most if not all burnt-out, starved, near-death from talking to himself, can provide any quality results with lightning speed???

so go ahead and square root that and calculate out what "E"nergy level we're at. go ahead! for this one, we'll use our bloody fingers!!!!

but wait! maybe, just maybe...., come to think of it, yes yes of course!!!, we're so stupid!!! and we thought we could fight it??? we can see it now, the fogs are clearing up, it is so making unbelievable sense... we have just figured out that there is a hidden 11th "advise" which every CEO advises themselves!

and it is this damn equation!

"E"mpire = "M"ore "C"uts2!

Why? Why? Why?

Hey, history channel is showing "Universe". Gotta go nuke some popcorn.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Great!... just great!!!!

First, I want to express my thanks to the overwhelming feedback received (the last I count was from 2 blog-buddies, maybe there's more now... let me check! ...nope!) received in this blog of my.

At leaset 2 is better than my other blog site which has been up and running for months and only received 1 feedback.

But is that going to stop me from writting down my thoughts or material from others which I might find 'em as interesting, influential, inspiring, incredible, in-your-face, in-da-house, in-scope, in-God-we-trust, in-..... what was I saying? oh, part about stop bullshiting, I mean stop writing! HELL NO!!!!! I will not stop! "....oh no not I! I will survive!!!"

Speaking of garbage, (no I didn't mention "garbage" here but I can hear you! I heard one of you mumbling the word "garbage" while reading this page) but anyway, here's something that just happened I find it totally inspiring (inspiring someone to kill!)

Location: Office
Characters involved: (two) 1. New Worker recently moved in, and 2. Mr Jerkoff
Situation: right before Mr.Jerkoff walk into the floor's mens room

NW: (with an over-acted/excited tone) welcome back! how are you?
Mr Jerkoff: (with a tone that's below 32 degree-fahrenheit): good
NW: (trying again thinking maybe his tone b4 wasn't cheerful enough) welcome to our club, how's the babies?
Mr Jerkoff: (his tone? can someone please turn on the heat?) good

And so, that is how it ended as Mr Jerkoff pushed thru the door and enter the men's room. NW sat back down but I think even the other floors can hear the sound of NW's ass hitting the cushion of his seat. I was somewhat amazed, I now found this very interesting, I never knew the sound of sitting down can produced such extreme uncomfortability.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Brooks was here....

Wzzzzup and welcome to my blog!!!! ha ha ha ha (excuse my evil laugh)

Some of my brodas and sistas might be asking now, what the hell is this? who's the old man? what's this gotta do with anything? where's my food??? where's the cold beer????

Funny you asked, do let me take up some of your precious Spice-channel-watching minutes to share my thoughts, aight?

With MJ walking out the door today Friday June 29th at exactly 3:28pm (I could of sworn, out from nowhere, the main theme from The Magnificent Seven started playing as he was riding off into the sunset...) call it anything you want, "End of an Era", "The Night SDM Died", "An End and a New Beginning".... to me, it meant "The day we say to ourselves, either get busy living, or get busy dying".

'Cause in some odd way, as I was left alone on the now empty office floor, left alone to reflect on what have happened these past few months leading to today where now all around me, sights of only shut down PCs where its users will no longer come back to log back into, empty cubicles with project docs and drafted gameplan-like written notes lying lifeless there where its owners will not come back to review or to share them. Nothing but silent, so silent it started to hurt my ears. Anybody there? anyone, please anyone... don't go home yet Frank, stay around and complaint to yourself more!!!! All the good strong individual who left, all of them good friends, all of them, I've realized, all became their own version of "Andy Dufresne".

And at that moment, I became "Red", slowly transforming to an "Andy" while thinking about "Brooks".

These are all characters of Shawshank Redemption, if you don't get it, go watch the damn movie already.

So, "... Either get busy living, or get busy dying" my friends, "...get busy living, or get busy dying".

Thanks for lending me your ears.

Now where's my remote control?