Thursday, July 5, 2007

Great!... just great!!!!

First, I want to express my thanks to the overwhelming feedback received (the last I count was from 2 blog-buddies, maybe there's more now... let me check! ...nope!) received in this blog of my.

At leaset 2 is better than my other blog site which has been up and running for months and only received 1 feedback.

But is that going to stop me from writting down my thoughts or material from others which I might find 'em as interesting, influential, inspiring, incredible, in-your-face, in-da-house, in-scope, in-God-we-trust, in-..... what was I saying? oh, part about stop bullshiting, I mean stop writing! HELL NO!!!!! I will not stop! "....oh no not I! I will survive!!!"

Speaking of garbage, (no I didn't mention "garbage" here but I can hear you! I heard one of you mumbling the word "garbage" while reading this page) but anyway, here's something that just happened I find it totally inspiring (inspiring someone to kill!)

Location: Office
Characters involved: (two) 1. New Worker recently moved in, and 2. Mr Jerkoff
Situation: right before Mr.Jerkoff walk into the floor's mens room

NW: (with an over-acted/excited tone) welcome back! how are you?
Mr Jerkoff: (with a tone that's below 32 degree-fahrenheit): good
NW: (trying again thinking maybe his tone b4 wasn't cheerful enough) welcome to our club, how's the babies?
Mr Jerkoff: (his tone? can someone please turn on the heat?) good

And so, that is how it ended as Mr Jerkoff pushed thru the door and enter the men's room. NW sat back down but I think even the other floors can hear the sound of NW's ass hitting the cushion of his seat. I was somewhat amazed, I now found this very interesting, I never knew the sound of sitting down can produced such extreme uncomfortability.