Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CEO quoting Einstein

I see a need to write out loud my thoughts after reading the top 10 Advise our CEO gave out today. (or was it yesterday? does it matter?....)


9 of them can be skipped since they're nothing but superficial advises (like General Information...)

but what did stimulated my dead brain cells is this one, which he quoted Einstein, "... remember that invention is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration"

(what he really meant is he's the 1 percent and the rest of us are the 99 percent)

and since he started Einsteining us, lets bring up that most famous equation: E=MC2

lets equate...

First, our "M" is getting thinner and thinner by the seconds. With the cuts, the downsizing, the outsourcing of technology jobs, we find ourselves crying out loud "what the fuck happened to our mass?"

and next, for "C", never mind speed of light, what fucking speed is left here?. With more and more quality strong performers gone, how can anyone who's left behind, most if not all burnt-out, starved, near-death from talking to himself, can provide any quality results with lightning speed???

so go ahead and square root that and calculate out what "E"nergy level we're at. go ahead! for this one, we'll use our bloody fingers!!!!

but wait! maybe, just maybe...., come to think of it, yes yes of course!!!, we're so stupid!!! and we thought we could fight it??? we can see it now, the fogs are clearing up, it is so making unbelievable sense... we have just figured out that there is a hidden 11th "advise" which every CEO advises themselves!

and it is this damn equation!

"E"mpire = "M"ore "C"uts2!

Why? Why? Why?

Hey, history channel is showing "Universe". Gotta go nuke some popcorn.